Friday, January 20, 2012

Haze that's not Purple

You know the haze that settles above your brow and beneath your eyes during the winter cold? Whenever the wind pulls in chances of snow and ice, my head seems to freeze too. Thoughts get stuck in their respective spots, and it takes an ice pick to get them loose.

January....blah. That's what it is. It's the January blah. The time in the month when you're wishing Valentine's Day was next week. And spring vacation two weeks after that.

Ironically, I was just telling my mother that I hoped the snow would never lose its magic. That it still held such a childlike delight for me. This is true. But, the cold, dry wind and scratchy morning cough. The leather-like hands and icy toes. These, I can do without. They are my bofa on the sofa (Dr. Seuss).

So, I remind myself, and you, to take care and take cover. To create more inner beauty to counterbalance the abundantly stark landscape outside. To make sunshine in your home with good smells, hot tea, and heavy sweaters. To go indoors. Reflect on the day, the year, the joy (and oh...the horror - Apocalypse Now). : )

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