Tuesday, July 12, 2011

And So it Goes

"And so it goes," as Billy Pilgrim, says. (I never finished that book by the way, and I know that puts Kurt Vonnegut to shame. To be even more honest, I am pretty sure it's from Slaughterhouse Five, but I can't be entirely sure. For a Psych major turned English teacher, you'd think I'd know.) Wow, that was a long parenthetical note.

So many thoughts of the world and all of its contents in my head. A mother's escape from death row. The nation's sadness at the shuttle's final mission.

To comment on the mommy escaping jail, my main thought is: it's not the first time a crazy mom was found innocent. And, is that so bad? Really? Aren't there much worse criminals on the loose? Aren't there also too many innocent folks convicted of crimes they don't commit, as it is? Outrage is so often wasted.

The shuttle's finality is sad, but no one keeps eating sushi and going to resorts when they're picking up unemployment checks.

Is all of this cynical? Jaded? The emotions we feel about these situations are valid, but what are we really sad or angry about? That the world won't be the way it "was?" That time changes things? That people commit crimes? Are these new ideas?

I am not entirely sure what this entry is about exactly. Just that, isn't it more interesting that we throw our arms up in the air in outrage when predictable events occur?

When the world operates as it always does. When things just plain don't go our way.

1 comment:

  1. I was outraged about Casey Anthony not because she didn't get the death penalty...or even because she was found not guilty. I was outraged because I believe a tiny, innocent, beautiful little girl was abused, neglected and considered insignificant by the one person in the world who should have cared about her the most. I'm not going to say "so what..there are worse criminals out there" because in my eyes, there is no worse crime in this country than child abuse. My outrage will not be "wasted". Instead of complaining, crying and getting angry over Casey Anthony's trial, I've taken steps to channel this outrage into something positive (volunteering with a child abuse agency, etc). I don't feel guilty one iota for being outraged that crimes like child abuse and neglect exist. No, it is not a "new idea". Sadly.
