Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nowhere WoMan

I had a first sentence in my head, but it left. Packed up and wandered off to cuddle with some dust bunnies. I've actually stopped sneezing now that we're in Frederick, Maryland. Pulling demons and monsters, angels and ceramics from our garage in Roswell left me a red-eyed, stuffy-headed mess for weeks. Am I allergic to my past?

Now, we are on the other side of the ledge, after leaping a great distance. I said to my sweet Eric that "moving to a new place is hard," and he replied, "no, it's not" (gag, puke, ug). And, I was in a good enough mood to recognize the truth in his words. What's so ironic, in a sense, is that this move has not been difficult. My mother lives nearby and so do Lynne and Henry, Eric's aunt and uncle (thanks for the pie and flowers!!). Therefore, this move has been a landing, an insertion of established roots back into somewhat fertile soil.

My sense of isolation, my uncertainty that this place is it, my nostalgia for what was, my peace with my life as mommy - all those things still exist. There and here. It's all the same.

Of course, there are friends and family whom I already miss - and already missed as my taillights turned to face them back in Atlanta. Good-byes are not my strong suit (for another entry). Needless to say, this is it and always was. I am now living the part of my life where I've left the town about which I used to bitch for years. I am living the part when I've moved farther north to my husband's childlike delight. (He is still bummed we're below the Mason-Dixon line, however).

I am living the part when my husband has a shining new career. And, I have a shining little boy who says three new words each day and laughs at inside jokes we have. No kidding.

I am at that chapter when everything could have been different. We might not have found a place to rent or tenants for our Georgia home. We might not have figured out we just needed to drug the cats in order to do a long road trip with them. We might not have noticed the job opening in Rockville, MD at the time when the general manager was waiting for the "right" fit.

But, we did. And, here we are. To you, I haven't gone anywhere. :)


  1. And now you are closer to me -- and perhaps we can see one another, and meet each other's children!

  2. This is lovely. I don't know who this Nowhere WoMan is. Clearly, it's not you because you're not only somewhere, you're surrounded by place markers: Eric and Asher, your mom, Lynne and Hank, not to mention closer to us. But mostly you're at home in your skin and you bring that everywhere you go.

    I can't wait to hear Asher's growing vocabulary - hopefully, I'll be able to keep up.

    So, enjoy the discoveries awaiting you in Frederick and in this new chapter.

  3. Carolie, that would be wonderful! Our children should know one another. :)

  4. "Am I allergic to my past?" Best line yet!!

  5. I'm so happy you've landed near your Mom and Eric's folk. And a good landing it sounds like. We all send love and congratulations. Patrick
